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                        MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
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Naftogaz sharply increases imports of gas from Russia's Gazprom

MOSCOW, Aug. 27 - Naftogaz Ukrayiny’s imports of gas from Russia's Gazprom have been sharply higher since the middle of last week, according to operational data from Russia's Central Dispatching Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex (CDU TEK).

Euro-Finance steel mill project included under state loan guarantees

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The Ukrainian government has included the construction of a steel rolling works in Bila Tserkva by Euro-Finance Ltd., a company with foreign investments, on the list of projects that can receive state guarantees on loans under the State Economy Stimulation Program for 2013-2014.

Cabinet OKs $3.6 billion gas-to-coal loan from China Development Bank

KIEV, Aug. 23 – The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the raising of a loan worth $3.656 billion from China Development Bank to fund the replacement of natural gas by coal extracted in Ukraine, a source in the government told Interfax-Ukraine.

AMC allows Metinvest to buy control of GOK and Zaporizhkoks

KIEV, Aug. 23 – The Antimonopoly Committee has allowed Metinvest, the largest mining and smelting holding of Ukraine, to acquire over 50% in Pryazovsky ore-dressing and processing enterprise (GOK, the village of Pryazovske, Zaporizhia region) and Zaporizhkoks (Zaporizhia).

TNK-BP to launch liquefied petroleum gas storage station in October

MOSCOW, Aug. 23 - TNK-BP has announced plans to launch its first own liquefied petroleum gas storage station in Ukraine in October.

This pilot project will allow the company to commence liquefied petroleum gas small-scale wholesale in Ukraine. TNK-BP plans to directly supply liquefied petroleum gas to filling stations and monitor the quality of fuel.

State debt grows 3.6% in July following $2 billion eurobond placement

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The total state (direct and guaranteed) debt of Ukraine in July grew by 3.6%, or $2.148 billion, to $62.174 billion due to the placement of eurobonds worth $2 billion this month, the Finance Ministry reported.

Government guarantees $287 million for Odessa LNG terminal finance

KIEV, Aug. 27 - The government has authorized the issue of 2.3 billion hryvnias, or $287 million, in state guarantees for investment projects to build a liquefied natural gas terminal near Odessa.

Markets so far unaffected by government integrated coal combine plan

KIEV, Aug. 26 – Information on the government’s plans to consider creation of a vertically integrated company on the basis of state coal companies Rovenkiantracit, Sverdlovantracit and Centrenergo state electricity generating company would impact the Ukrainian stock market, although it is early to speak about the efficiency of the holding’s operation, according to experts polled by Interfax-Ukraine.

Bank Nadra need for additional capital rises in July to UAH6 billion

KIEV, Aug. 26 – Bank Nadra’s need for additional capital by July 2009 came to UAH 6.382 billion, the National Bank of Ukraine reported.

The bank says that assessments and updated proposals on the bank’s recapitalization were sent by the NBU to Ukraine’s Finance Ministry on July 20.

Planned NBU rules would protect banks against early withdrawals

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The National Bank of Ukraine plans to protect banks from early withdrawal of funds on fixed deposits by amending a procedure for carrying out deposit transactions with legal entities and individuals by Ukrainian banks, said Viktor Kravets, NBU executive officer for payment systems and settling payments.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  23.09.2024 prev
USD 41.35 41.44
RUR 0.446 0.446
EUR 46.15 46.24

Stock Market
  20.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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