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                        MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
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Ukraine grain harvest up 12.4% as of Sept. 26, government reports

KIEV, Sept. 26 – Ukraine had threshed 38.4 million tons of grain as of September 26, which is 12.4% up on 2010, according to the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry.

Ivano-Frankivsk region announces competition for Carpathian projects

IVANO-FRANKIVSK, Sept. 26 – Ivano-Frankivsk region has announced an international competition for the best investment project for the Carpathian Mountains.

Foreign exchanges to list privatized energy companies, says SPF

ALUSHTA, Sept. 27 – The Ukrainian stock market is too small to give the required investments to energy companies that are now under privatization, so it is likely that they will be listed on foreign stock exchanges, according to Yuriy Yakovlev, deputy head of the State Property Fund.

Parliament extends life of commission investigating RosUkrEnergo case

KIEV, Sept. 24 – Parliament has extended for two months the activities of its temporary commission investigating the Stockholm Arbitration Tribunal's ruling, the allegations of corrupt activities against the Swiss-registered gas trader RosUkrEnergo AG, the involvement of public officials into this case, and the arrest of the former chief of the State Customs Service, Anatoliy Makarenko.

EBRD to stick to plans to invest EUR1 billion in Ukraine in 2010

KIEV, Sept. 24 – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is sticking to its plans to invest about EUR 1 billion in Ukraine in 2010, Vassili Lelakis, the head of the representatives of the EBRD Board in the delegation, said at a briefing on Friday following the delegation's work in Ukraine this week.

Ukraine’s balance of payments close to equilibrium, says NBU advisor

KIEV, Sept. 27 – Ukraine would have its balance of payments the closest to the equilibrium in 2010, which would happen for the first time over several years, according to Valeriy Lytvytsky, the head of the group of advisers to the National Bank of Ukraine governor.

Ukrainian cabinet to restructure Zaporizhia Titanium Plant debt

KIEV, Sept. 24 – The Ukrainian cabinet is to restructure a debt of Zaporizhia Titanium Magnesium Plant state company for consumed electricity for two years.

Industry Minister Volodymyr Novitsky told the press that the decision was made at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

He did not disclose the sum of the debt, but said that it was rather large.

Ukraine to supply electricity to Lithuania after power plant closure

VILNIUS, Sept. 24 – Ukraine will be able to supply electricity through Belarus to Lithuania, which is facing shortage in power supplies after the closure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, President Viktor Yushchenko said.

CEO: Western investors may return to Ukraine real estate soon

KIEV, Sept. 24 – Western investors may return to the Ukrainian real estate market in October or November, according to Mykola Tolmachev, CEO of Kiev-based T.M.M. construction firm.

"If in February, foreign investors did not hold any talks on investments in Ukraine, today, talking with various financial institutions, I feel that it is time for the arrival of foreign investors.

Ukrenergo working on electric deal with Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

KIEV, Sept. 25 - National energy company Ukrenergo has started consultations with Hungary's Mavir, Romania's Transellectirica and Slovakia's SEPS operators on the signing of an agreement on electricity carrying capacity with the states, said Ukrenergo's head, Kostiantyn Uschakovsky.

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  23.09.2024 prev
USD 41.35 41.44
RUR 0.446 0.446
EUR 46.15 46.24

Stock Market
  20.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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