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NBU: Stronger dollar vs. euro has boosted nominal hryvnia value

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The strengthening of the dollar against the euro amid the crisis in the eurozone has translated into the strengthening of the nominal effective exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currency by 12.9% over the past 12 months, according to the National Bank of Ukraine.

Finance ministry to draft new 2013 transfer pricing regulations

KIEV, Aug. 27 – The Finance Ministry has proposed to devise common rules of transfer pricing during fund transfer transactions in the Tax Code and introduce them on January 1.

40% of families spend most of their money on food, according to study

KIEV, August 28 – About 40% of Ukrainian families spend more than half of their budget on food, said Liudmyla Cherenko of the Institute of Demography and Social Studies of Ukraine’s National Academy of Sciences.

Brazil and Ukraine mulling joint Black Sea oil and gas drilling

KIEV, Aug. 23 – Brazil proposes that Ukraine consider the possibility of jointly drilling for oil and gas on the Black Sea shelf, Ambassador Antonio Fernando Cruz de Mello said.

Zaporizhia ferroalloy starts firing workers after electric rate hike

KIEV, Aug. 25 - Zaporizhia ferroalloy plant has started dismissing workers following a cut in ferroalloy output due to higher production expenses on electricity consumed by the company since it was designated a second-class consumer.

Shell, Chevron and Eni among majors to drill for shale gas in Ukraine

KIEV, Aug. 25 - Shell, Chevron and Eni are among the world’s oil majors that will begin within the next six months extracting shale gas in Ukraine, Environment and Natural Resources Minister Mykola Zlochevskiy said Thursday.

TeleRadioSvit appeals to Kiev court for digital tender cancellation

KIEV, Aug. 25 – TeleRadioSvit LLC (the Kiev-based TVi Channel) has appealed to Kiev's District Administrative Court with a request to cancel the results of a tender for national digital broadcasting held by the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting.

Bank Kyiv signs cooperation memorandum with China Export-Import Bank

KIEV, Aug. 25 – Bank Kyiv and the Export-Import Bank of China have signed a memorandum on cooperation, according to a press release from Bank Kyiv.

TV talk show lasts 52 hours and makes Guinness Book of World Records

KIEV, Aug. 25 – A marathon TV talk show, entitled "Ukraine's Independence," which was broadcast on Channel 5 and dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Ukraine's independence, lasted 52 hours and become the world's longest marathon TV talk show, the channel's analytical department reported on Thursday.

World Bank approves $150 million Ukraine export development loan

KIEV, Aug. 26 – The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved an Additional Financing loan to Ukraine in the amount of $150 million for the Second Export Development Project (EDP 2).

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Currencies (in hryvnias)
  20.09.2024 prev
USD 41.44 41.41
RUR 0.446 0.454
EUR 46.24 46.12

Stock Market
  19.09.2024 prev
PFTS 507.0 507.0
source: PFTS


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